INJ-127 Chrysler Adv FI w OBD II Pt 1

This engine management course details Chrysler fuel injection featuring the Dodge Neon with OBD II.  Due to the complex interlinking of the new injection system and OBD II diagnostics, this course will be presented in two parts.  In Part 1, students will learn new features of the Chrysler engine management systems.  The instructor will utilize a Chrysler simulator to illustrate the diagnostic capabilities.  In Part 2 of this course, diagnostics will be covered in much greater detail with OBD II.

 Course Outline

  1. History of Electronic Introduction
    1. Engine Controls                         
    2. Review of previous Chrysler EFI systems
    3. OBD II usage on Chrysler vehicles
  2.  Inputs and Outputs
    1. Identify new inputs and outputs
    2. Describe the operation of the new inputs and outputs
    3. Identify new features
  3. Chrysler Ignition System
    1. Identify the new ignition system
    2. Describe the operation of the ignition system
  4. Diagnosis
    1. Scan tool use and operation
    2. Data line interpretation
    3. OBD II Fault Codes

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Injectronics Training
50 McAuley Road Clandeboye, Manitoba R0C0P0
Phone: +1 (204) 228-8060