INJ-130 GM Vortex Fuel Injection

This course covers some of the unique engine management features incorporated with GM Trucks.  An operating 1994 GM 4.3L central port injection system, which demonstrates the unique fuel delivery system used on these vehicles, will be utilized in class.  Intake manifold tuning, linear EGR and dual knock sensors will be some of the inputs covered.  The newer CSFI system and the new GM ENHANCED ignition system found on 96 and newer trucks will also be covered. Schematic, DVOM and Labscope Diagnostics will be covered.

Course Outline

  1. Inputs                            
    1. Review of PCM & VCM inputs
    2. Description and Diagnostics of Dual Knock Sensors
  2. Outputs
    1. Intake Manifold Tuning Valve
    2. Linear EGR
  3. Fuel 
    1. CPI Fuel  System 92-95 
    2. Poppet Nozzles
    3. CSFI Fuel System 96-98 
  4. Ignition System
    1. Review and Diagnose HEI-EST Ignition Systems 92-95
  5. Testing Display and Perform Specialized CPI & CSFI Diagnostic 
    1. Procedures  96-98 Distributor Set-up and Adjustments
  6. Diagnosis and Bulletins  
    1. Describe pertinent Bulletins, Engine Mechanical Considerations 
    2. Pressure Regulator 
    3. Maxi Injection
    4. Describe and Diagnose Enhanced Ignition Systems 96-98

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Injectronics Training
50 McAuley Road Clandeboye, Manitoba R0C0P0
Phone: +1 (204) 228-8060