INJ-103 Advanced Automotive Electronics

As Networking between the vehicles computers such as ABS, A/C, Transmission and Engine Management is the standard way of Communicating.  The technician should have a good working knowledge of Diode operations, microprocessor operations and various ways of data transmission.


  1. Review Series & Parallel circuits
  2. Diode Operation & Testing Tips
  3. Transistor Operation
  4. Describe Operation of an Automotive Microprocessor (CPU)
  5. Operation & Diagnosis of Networking Systems 
    • Describe types of Data Networking
    • Diagnostics of Data Networking
    • Describe & Diagnose Chrysler Networking Systems
    • Highlight & Diagnose Ford Networking Systems
    • Describe GM LAN Networking Systems                

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Injectronics Training
50 McAuley Road Clandeboye, Manitoba R0C0P0
Phone: +1 (204) 228-8060