INJ-212 Labscope Pattern Analysis

This class will take the technician with moderate lab scope experience to an advanced level of comfort interpreting the patterns displayed during testing. "Standard" and "newer" voltage patterns will be reviewed as will ignition primary and secondary including DIS. Scope probes and accessories will be discussed and an overview of the latest available will help the technician glean useful information from their scope. Capture and analysis of waveforms from many vehicle systems will be covered in depth. Pressure/Vacuum transducers will be discussed in depth and transducer patterns will be used for advanced component diagnosis.


  1. Introduction
  2. Simple Waveform Review/Troubleshooting
  3. Ignition Waveforms
  4. Probes and Accessories
  5. Wyse Probe Use/Waveform Diagnosis
  6. Current Probe Use/Waveform Diagnosis
  7. Transducer Application/Waveform Diagnosis
  8. Handy Accessories

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Injectronics Training
50 McAuley Road Clandeboye, Manitoba R0C0P0
Phone: +1 (204) 228-8060